Try to make hair washing less of an ordeal, and you may find that your child is suddenly more adaptable to it as part of the routine. 4. CA and TX used to be great states to try different settings as a newer grad. (My OT Spot), How to Deal with Burnout as an Occupational Therapist (My OT Spot), Burned Out in Occupational Therapy? Alternatively, if you have already completed an undergraduate degree, complete a masters degree in occupational therapy. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Almost every OT setting has productivity requirements, with some settings having less strict standards than others. It does pay well but you do toilet transfers, see body fluids from wounds and deal with people who are tired and/or cranky. Oh no, that's so frustrating! while my physician medical resident peers complained about a $30,000. For those considering a career in the medical field, but are unsure of the direction they should follow, occupational therapy can be a valuable opportunity. While skilled nursing positions might pay well (as an example), if your heart isnt into it you definitely wont be happy. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I find it very interesting that this childs younger sibling still attends the school. I might have to see 80 students in. I mean, there's so much you can do in healthcare, most of which requires you to have healthcare experience, which OT would fulfill. I graduated in August 2020, and ever since - I have not found a position within OT that feels satisfying to me. I personally use MedBridge Continuing Education for ideas since its all online and provides unlimited courses for the year. Mental health. Local government? Each program has different requirements, so when youre applying, be sure youre going above and beyond the basic requirements. My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. Use Your Comfort Zone. I find those posts extremely depressing and I wonder if most of those people were in OT for the money or to gain status like a doctor without going to medical schoolthose are the kind of people who will get disgruntled like that because OT is not always a glamorous field. How important is it for an OT to have a creative side? Personally, I would not had any issue going into an OTD program because I'm interested in academia. I really do not want to complain, especially with so much heartbreak and loss in the current world situation. Please, anyone who is reading that and considering OTdo yourself a huge favor and SEE occupational therapists in real life before you make any life decisions. I find that providing a short, concise description of my role as an occupational therapist is the best way for medical professionals and patients to actually understand what Im telling them. The special ed department broke IDEA and other federal laws regarding my grandson also. Let me know what you guys think about this. Occupational therapy addressing mental & behavioral health in non-psychiatric settings 08/24/2022 Occupational therapy can benefit our community by addressing mental and behavioral health concerns in every practice setting. Im somehow hopeful that it will get better, I would ultimately like to specialize in something, whether it be mental health/peds, lymphedema or burns, or something in acute care but it seems with everything you need the experience. Im doing travel right now and its hot. I have a 7 yr. old grandson who has Autism, ADHD, and sensory dysfunction. Your input will help me one cope and 2 fight for change. Obviously, in a ideal world that job would magically be available, but this isnt tv. When I learned this, I quickly transitioned to positions where transferring adult patients was not a requirement. reasons why you SHOULD do OT as a profession! Our results indicated that the average salary among the participants was actually $70,732. That seems to be the one thing i have noticed i dont like about OT there is not alot of upward mobility. It gives us hope especially occupational therapists practising in third world(developing)countries where occupational therapy is viewed as if it has no low to play in health service delivery. Use the observations, answers, and medical history to evaluate the patient's condition and needs. I believe in you, OP. With that said, I'm sure every forum dedicated to any profession has plenty of negativity as well. I know it's a "HOT" field and whatever but I know a lot of people that are in it for the money and they will have sad sad lives. Unless you absolutely love OT and would choose it over being a M.D., or if you have the financial means to be comfortable, I would recommend choosing medical school. For example, you may need to be able to drive and go to the grocery store. It took forever to get into it. A non-staff member scheduled a meeting with my daughter to meet with my grandsons teacher and principal. because the younger child is not showing signs of costing the school money. They found where they belong and stayed there. ugh, that horrid Indeed forum. I would like some of you guys thoughts on the future of ot. Ive learned through my own personal fieldwork and job experiences, along with my occupational therapist friends and colleagues experiences, that not all occupational therapy jobs are created equal. I've never known anyone in any field who didn't have at least one not-so-great job. MOT4ME, you've offered some helpful advice on these forums but this particular comment was very condescending and unnecessary. Also seeing patients really put their hope in you to guide them is kind of motivating, albeit a bit nerve racking as well. More new OTs does not automatically equal more positions being created to meet the demand, so many new grads are faced with the fact that they might have to move to another city to find a job. There will always be people who want to bitch no matter how many people wipe their asses. Im so sorry to hear this! Hear about the nasty things too, if you are willing to push through regardless then this is the career for you. These settings will typically have considerably less physical demands. What an interesting forum. Something what helps me is to think about what Ive done right during the day. This is a subreddit to celebrate all things Occupational Therapy. Teacher2PT, thanks for your advice and best of luck to you too! If you have a disability, they will . The ACOTE decision to move degrees is in abeyance as of September 2018: Are you really forced to compromise your morals and the law just to bill more hours and make more money for your company? Im always on my toes switching back and forth from inpatient rehab to very different diagnoses and treatments in acute care. Work Environment About half of occupational therapists work in offices of occupational therapy or in hospitals. I still plan on going into OT, I just want to be prepared for everything, even the negatives. A newly qualified NHS OT can expect to start on a minimum of 21,000, with more experienced OTs earning 25,700-34,500 . Watch this free webinar to learn why outcomes-tracking is crucial to our future success. Add in Writing Writing is one of the easiest switches you can make, but you have to be willing to put in lots of time, and you might take a pretty steep pay cut at the beginning. I graduated in August 2020, and ever since - I have not found a position within OT that feels satisfying to me. Nobody else is trained quite this way and that's why we are valuable. Completely different roles. Im about to start OT school. Ive personally found that non-profit rehab and hospital OT and COTA positions generally have better, more realistic productivity requirements compared to for-profit rehab companies. He lost his family preservation counselor that contracted to the school because of federal cutbacks and he was not given any additional support in the classroom. I honestly thought all through school I was going to work in peds. However, OT graduate programs typically have academic prerequisites, including various college-level basic . Also I got into an MOT but plan to get my post professional doctorate so I can possibly teach someday. While juggling multiple PRN jobs might seem difficult, if your hospital has multiple areas, you can usually cross-train and stay within the same system. Were there any profs you connected with? These cookies do not store any personal information. The Indeed forum is extremely discouraging and I cannot stand to go there anymore. Looking to eventually get a Doctorate in OT and become a SI specialist. W wave06 Full Member 10+ Year Member 5+ Year Member Joined Jun 25, 2007 Messages 43 Reaction score 1 Apr 2, 2010 #7 Your training as an OT was about learning to identify and solve problems in holistic ways most others cant. Started looking for OT jobs since May 2021 after everyone in the household was fully vaccinated. Would I personally change my career choice? I have to say, do listen to the people from indeed. Getting the degree is an investment. I stood up in front of a group every so often and I discussed how to prevent back injuries. So while you do get to provide meaningful treatments and help people achieve their goals, you do have to deal with the struggle of meeting your productivity on a daily basis. Every career has its ups and downs. Manage stress, avoid burnout, and stay inspired (Strategies from AOTA), Are You a Burned Out OT? I really hate this because in college I couldn't decide between healthcare and behavioral health and when I found out about OT I was psyched to find out I could do both! Thank you all! Good luck everyone! If youve landed here, you may have been Googling something like Im unhappy with my occupational therapy job or feeling burned out as an OT or maybe even feeling sick of my OT job.. OT is a complex, growing field, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime. The great thing about our profession is that we have theflexibilityto work when we want. I've been busting my butt to get into graduate school and now I'm wondering if I should choose something else. I see many people on here complaining. Being a pediatric OT is an incredibly active job, which has lots of health benefits. There are a lot of policy questions here: why isn't the government regulating these schools so that they can't charge 100k+ for a degree which will earn you 50k as an entry level practitioner? You're not going to know everything and that's okay The biggest obstacle I had to overcome during my first few months working as an occupational therapist at a SNF (and I still struggle with this sometimes) was my feeling of inadequacy compared to my co-workers. Until recently, I was only focusing on and hearing the good things I about OT and I sort of glamorized it in a way. If youre wondering if your city is saturated, check regularly and see if new job postings are listed, in addition to seeing how many OT and OTA programs exist in the city. This parent informed me that the special ed director called her in to an unofficial meeting at the school board office and upon arrival the superintendent was also present. I am HATING Being an OT Need some words of encouragement or advice. 2. I never would have anticipated how sick I would get during my pregnancy. Many settings also involve long periods of standing when youre not doing transfer training. And my school didn't prepare me for so many things. This post covers the most common reasons I hear of why OTs are frustrated or unhappy with their jobs. You are using an out of date browser. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. You might find your second or third choice is actually a great fit for you. Tips to Reclaim your Practice, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists. Becoming an occupational therapist is expensive. Thats where I got my mentorship. I met one that had been doing it for 30 years. Or do a lot of on-line con Ed. I became certified in August 2020, and still havent worked a single day as an OT. Being an occupational therapist requires a bachelor's degree in biology, kinesiology, health sciences, physiology or a related field. "They will remark disparagingly, 'I'm just a clinician,' I don't know what else I could do," Fork says. You have your toolbox, and know what interventions work for you. Maybe look at a change of role, maybe an emerging role. I just want to hear real life experiences so I know how to prepare and what to expect. Others work in schools, nursing homes, and home health services. I advise everyone to research into the profession and keep an open mind. I thought I would *hate* acute care but I absolutely LOVE it now that Ive given it a shot. Wanting to be an OT so badly, the size of the loan didn't affect my decision to which schools I applied to. A job just has to fit you and satisfy you enough to put up with the bullsh*t. In every field there will always be some who absolutely hate it, some who absolutely love it, and most who fall in between. When interviewing for a new position, be sure to ask about productivity requirements, expected caseload, hours you will actually get, mentorship, etc. stipend for their residency work. I don't feel like the person 3 years ago that wanted to be an OT. 5. This generally takes 2 years of full-time study. Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is really rough. Do you or Sarah have any tips on changing role with little to no experience in the fields? Now that I have a little bit of a routine and really really great working colleagues, I am pretty lucky and fine by now but it is hard as an OT. This way you get the variety of two different settings part time instead of only one setting full time. THAT SPEAKS VOLUME!!!!!!!! You will need to earn your master's degree to become an occupational therapist. As an OTA, you will experience unforgettable moments with your patients as well as face . The post covers the most prevalent situations that occupational therapists may find themselves in, especially as new grads. Ditto with home health. But honestly, being an occupational therapist is hard. Welcome to r/OccupationalTherapy!This is an automatic comment on every post. If so, Ive absolutely been there (multiple times) and I first want you to know that Im so sorry that youre feeling this way! The client-centered nature of this job can be both intrinsically enriching, as you are in a position to provide care and help to patients, but it can also lead to physical and emotional stress. We don't know. I taught, I educated, and hopefully, I inspired those who attended to make changes and take control of their rehabilitative process. Im so glad I did, because I finally got that call back and am so grateful to be an OT in the hospital-setting. Answer (1 of 3): Not sure what you are currently doing for work. I've had to abandon Indeed. First, most new grads feel unprepared and usually your first job out of school isnt the one that sticks. Do any of you really think that an ot is a glorified CNA? The hourly price you pay depends on the type . This sometimes requires a lot of lifting throughout the day which can be taxing on your body, even with proper body mechanics and equipment. Yikes. I would not take too much stock in the Indeed forums..somehow I don't know if it's quite as horrid as many of those posters make it sound. Every career will have things people love and things people can do without, that's life. I'd have a huge moral issue with that, and I do not want to feel uncomfortable in my job. I wish there were more OT forums out there. Prepare for your Exam. I agree that you should take what you read on the Internet with a grain of salt. So while you do get to provide meaningful treatments and help people achieve their goals, you will likely have to deal with the struggle of meeting your productivity on a daily basis. NO documentation at all this meeting. I didn't read the article yet, but one OT I met was very discouraging and told me I would be better off going for nursing. Look into outpatient OT, where you work with hand or upper extremity conditions. Thats vocational rehab! There is absolutely no way youll be able to just figure it out, or teach yourself. Whats the setting? You may not know what floats your boat. If this is the case, dont stop looking for a position in your favorite setting. Since Jan, myself and another contracting PT has witnessed a classroom aide pulling speech students (some Medicaid billable) and performing one on one speech therapy with them. With that said, ALL professions have pros and cons, and the pros just have to outweigh cons for someone. Thinking about ditching the profession altogether. I JUST NEED TO VENT: Some of my PRN coworkers even go to three settings (outpatient, acute and inpatient rehab) depending on the hospitals needs. And just because you are struggling doesn't mean that you are failing! Make a new food more appetizing by pairing it with something you enjoy. A CNA is there to dress, help with toileting, etc. OT came to me like an epiphany and for the past two years I thought I was preparing for my dream career. Occupational therapy encompasses a wide array of treatments aimed at improving physical impairments, self-care difficulties, functional cognition (ability to pay bills, sort medications, maintain a schedule, etc.) Less expensive state schools are harder to get into, so you may have to choose a private school and pay an average of $80,000+ for your Masters degree, and over $100,000 for your Doctorate. Are you or someone youre close to interested in becoming an occupational therapist? But there are certain things about OT that concern me. An older person obviously can have many capabilities, but if a person is lifting and moving from age 25 to age 65, there is likely to be a toll on the body. Im discussed and fed up with the entire system. Thanks so much for adding this, Carolyn! I'm just trying to get feedback from practicing OTs and I want to know both the positives and the negatives, what to watch out for, and how to maximize my potential. And it is these goals that, like gay conversion therapy, do long-term damage to the human psyche. I graduated with a MAOT in 2009 and am currently working in a SNF. It is an active job. Tips to Reclaim your Practice (OT Flourish Podcast). To become an occupational therapist, you'll need a degree in occupational therapy, which usually takes three years full time or up to six years part time. Ive certainly been in this situation. Hearing about running into problems with ethics to make more money for your boss, yet risking losing your job, is a huge issue for me. Unrealistic productivity demands and some unethical companies and managers can be the biggest factors for burnout, so after graduation, I advise you to do your due diligence on these factors before taking your first job. 24.3 miles away from Apple Massage Therapy. Join us, and you'll help more people live better lives by achieving their individual breakthroughs. Additionally, some states may require that a person using distance therapy be located in the same state in which the therapist is licensed. I worked in SNFs for over a dozen years, and the productivity expectations were ridiculous, in addition to blatant fraud. doing what you love. You can read more about ethical dilemmas in my post titledEthical Dilemmas in Occupational Therapy. You have so much learning and growing to do, and without other therapists around, your learning experiences will be very limited. Maybe you need to think about how to leverage that skillset outside of traditional healthcare? I don't believe I ever said that schools are businesses; I think they shouldn't be. Because of this, your application has to be really strong to stand out among the massive number of applicants. I would love to go part time but my work load wouldn't change. In postgraduate studies, it's possible to gain a Masters degree in one to two years. Writing is awesome, though. While this is a totally normal feeling (and something that I still experience), before you jump into another setting that may make you feel just as or more stressed, take some time to reflect before you make a major change. Occupational therapy is not always the sunshine and rainbows that you read about in the countless news articles touting its frequent rating in the top 10 happiest and least stressful jobs. Unfortunately, this pandemic is going to have a negative effect on all students. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This is will improve your odds of getting into a program. (Especially if you are in a small rural setting) so try to network with any other OTs in your area. I do not feel that my FW or school prepared me at all. I hate how OT services are viewed as a "privilege," creating a lack of accessibility, especially for clients living in rural areas. Especially important if you are a new grad. If you're going for the OTR (Master's or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. Needless to say, working in a setting like this is sure to cause you major burnout, and if youre in a setting like this, you should advocate for appropriate therapy, and if that doesnt make a difference, switch to another company. All resources are student and donor supported. We learn in school how meaningful our profession is (which it is!) You can make it work for you if this is what you really want. That's an exhausting list of things to do to get a job. It's easier that way because he's more willing to cooperate. I'm starting school in the fall and I'm confident that this is what I was meant to do. Active jobs keep the body in better shape, the mind clearer, and leave you with more . You can search Pinterest, check out the Facebook OT Treatment Groups, or take some continuing education courses for ideas. Those who attended to make changes and take control of their rehabilitative process side! Are in a SNF wish there were more OT forums out there or hospitals... 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