polynesian kingdom of atooi

Our wish is to have peaceful justice for all people of Atooi. You can see the insult to all those who placed *How can you help take the splinter out of your brothers eye when you have a log in your own?. Ae, lokepa, read through them all a well, and it saddens me to see our people so divided and fighting with each otherfor who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. The Complaint further alleges that HPD has refused to return Plaintiff's Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi driver's license. Which means the atooi is made up, belongs to another chain of Polynesian islands or it can float!!! Several days after the Kingdom of Atooi raid on OHA, KITV turned to someone they presented as a expert to comment on the case. So,lets clarify his info. And Americanization of the language for us now is makou wahi. Its just sad to see. exclusive agreement. oh did you bro. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs offices are on lockdown after the group Kingdom of Atooi attempted to storm into the Na Lama Kukui building this afternoon. their names on that 1897 Kue Petition! The circumstances by which Hawaii was annexed by the U.S. are so sketchy that Congress felt obliged to issue an apology in 1993. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi was launched last year when it claimed to have formed a new government for French Polynesia. Kuhio Lewis, CEO of the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, read a statement on behalf of the group, which included kumu hula, educators and well-respected community leaders, as reported by the Star-Advertiser. Your email address will not be published. Your attention to, and compliance with this important legal matter is greatly appreciated. He claims the title Chairman of the Council of Regency of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government. Where is the evidence? I dont believe self appointed kanaks either. might be the right thing to do It is the right thing to do. Thief!! This should be very enlightening for everyone to know. This guy is at the UN convincing people that Hawaii has become decolonized when in reality Hawaii has never been colonized, ever. Stop the Hate,it only hurts you. I myself since 1984 aligned myself with 5 different groups and after listening and watching for a period of time then realizing this is not the route, departed and always asked for my name to be removed from their records and in some cases asked for my papers back back. mahalo. Ahh! Gonsalves has had some run-ins with the law, including the time he was arrested during a Superferry protest in 2007 and when he flashed a kingdom federal marshal badge at a county meeting the same year. 103-150, which accurately state: the indigenous Hawaiian Now what are you going to do about it besides hurl insults and cry about so and so who conquered it and such and such a time? Eh, all in good fun, at his expense of course! Auwe no hoi e!! Dont talk about it in any negative way or about anyone involved, for you will be held responsible for what you say as well. And I would not say that the quote used lacks context because by looking at all languages, they evolved and changed over time. Irish and Russians are both people who dont put with anyones entitled BS, and Ireland is one the strongest fighters world wide for native equality and people who have had their land occupied and stolen, the way England has done to Ireland. http://www.khon2.com/hokulea/ Three years ago, another self-styled king in Tahiti, Athanase Teiri, was given a jail sentence for . learning about the actual history of Hawaii, screw I agree with Pomai, much mahalo Dexter for taking GOD PLEASE BLESS OUR PEOPLE WITH EYES TO SEE, EARS TO HEAR, HEARTS AND MINDS THAT DISCERN BETWEEN TRUTH AND ERROR. against Hawaiian nationals under international law? With a history like this, it is not surprising that a Hawaiian sovereignty movement remains committed to reclaiming rights and land for native Hawaiians. By the way when you see his majesty Burger King tell him to hold the pickles and Ill be by to pick up my crown later!!! what the commercial says in reference to U.S. Public law The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized Sovereign nation of First Nation people. PKOA,s status as an NGO/civil society observer group is not required to produce any reports to the U.N.except the groups in the civil society with a consultative status. (race not a factor) to get together, not with that Talking about Atooi means light of god lmao. REALIZE, Most groups do it out of aloha for our Kanaka, our keiki, our aina and our Lhui the best that they know how! The only thing that was overthrown was the government. With a modern sovereign twist. They were asking him can this currency be used anywhere in the world? It wouldnt surprise me if they sent Hawaiians to Molokini or Koolau. Just spit-balling. That would certainly be relevant for viewers trying to decide how much weight to give his views. Although you PKOA does not hold consultive status. The claim that the word was randomly uttered by a European sailor is absurd. And heres an excerpt from a statement by the Board of Directors of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. They are descendants of Hawaiian subjects and any attempt to form their own Kingdom and to claim lands that belongs to the Kingdom that is still in exile may be construed as an attempt to unlawfully replace the Hawaiian Kingdom or to usurp their authority. To be honest, my underlying fear relates to the details of how some of the rings I am reading here would actually work. Almost like Christopher Columbus discovering america in 1492. But certainly poorly written. The status which PKOA holds in the U.N. was not accepted by formal ceremony nor an Sanity? Color of skin does not define us. Share to Pinterest. To purchase bread and milk everyone would need to It said it had worked on its new government for three years, had its own flag and purported to have its own money. Huh ha!! He should have spent some kala on PR people, instead of paying for those two deputies of his (these two were super funny) Anyways. Or in cowardly appeasement. ? Do you know of any questions???. independence since 11/28/1843, yet have no problem celebrating Alkng with his two baboonz in the bak your poly kingdom of kauai is all lies bradda.. sorry to break da news to u myself as well as alot of my ohana once belived in the Disney movement until, drugs and money was the key to be in it and if u thinkin i talkin crap.. i not my kanaka myself and couple of my cousinz was amoungst the first so called marshalls on oahu.. so i kno pkoa is not recognize by the UN.. the only pull they have is Chief Miko. It is a Union of 9 Polynesian Islands who signed an agreement with Dayne as the Poo of this Union to honor and support the human rights, civil liberties and political autonomy of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi recognizing its right to peacefully exist in perpetuity. This agreement is self-created and is neither a historical or significant document. It's been 3-1/2 years since a dozen men wearing red shirts identifying themselves as federal marshals from the Kauai group known as the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, stormed into the main office of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, assaulted at least two OHA employees and threatened others, and announced they were there to seize the agency's assets Third rail indeed. Follow. These stories wont stop-They are cries of distress! I dont have anything PKOA membership shall not maintain that the United Nations regulate their cause, purpose or convictions as a Hawaiian group or nation. Higher degrees of assault need to be looked at, impersonating federal officers needs to be looked atpossibly kidnapping, she said. The Union Jack on the Hawaiian flag represents the long standing friendly relationship with Britain. I dont say just as natives but across the board, Sai explained. There are a lot of GROUPS yes GROUPS (no one wants to be defined by the G word) out there that will recall that Hawaii was at one time a Hawaiian Kingdom, yet for some reason cant get pass the fact that weve all been duped, the joke was played on us! Brother Keanu. Misinformation is prevalent in our society today and decisions by persons whether here or abroad should be based upon accurate information that can be falsified, especially in light of the profound legal ramifications that stems from an illegal and prolonged occupation. Let it go and move on. Dayne conveniently used his The legal matters currently pending in the United Nations and the Fourth Geneva Convention by the Acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government by its Ambassador Keanu Sai already acknowledges the Kingdom of Hawaii as a sovereign and independent State. The Queen listened to the people and their distaste for the illegitimate 1887 Bayonet constitution and made plans to write a new Constitution. We respectfully request your prompt response within 10 days of receipt of this letter and declaration. It is very apparent that those hu ridicule and complain about it, and its practitioners are clearly maa to the U.S.s laws, customs, and propoganda!!! Your username will be emailed to the email address on file. I know a few Hawaiians whove drained retirements & emptied bank accounts in the name of these make believe kingdoms & unjust organizations and received nothing but a few shirts, stickers & a useless ID card. Check out the massive homeless tent city on Oahu's Western Shore. Nonsense. Founded 5 companines, three of. certain race of people from all over the world to God bless. After many years of painstaking struggle, we as Hawaiians can finally return home. Federal Marshal, Atooi, DCCA; Brigadere General 28th ROAB SAS Rangers Alii, Sir Wiremu O Terangi Carroll, KVCK Royal Order of Kamehameha I, C.K. How would you ever resolve who is entitled to what land given that people have intermixed to much over time. aloha keanu, how does hawaiian kingdom fund all the valuable documents and time line clearly establish grand info, but the use of a 501c3 would be problematic if that is how you are able to keep on keeping on. I believe that and am glad that we have Keanu at the Hague dealing with this Just thought I had to say this and hope everyone have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Aloha.. Devide and Conquer. Have you looked at the Alaska model where the land was divided into native corporations and the peoples get a percent of revenue from income derived in heir ancestral areas? The self-created agreement is a validation that Dayne is not the Poo but by inception just a unofficial Union Steward.PKOA is not recognized as a Polynesian Monarchy nor a nation by the U.N. A very small number of people (including hoalie businessmen and complicit Hawaiian rulers) controlled the events leading up to the takeover. https://kingdomofatooi.orgThe Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi The Kingdom Of Hawaii Na Iwi Kupuna are crying in there Iwi baskets!! A fool and his money are soon parted! News media initially had trouble reporting the event because they seemed reluctant to characterize the Kingdom of Atooi as a product of Gonzalves imagination. a stand for our Hawaiian Kingdom! remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. T in place of K is well documented as being a dialect of Hawaiian in several locations throughout Hawaii at the time of discovery. Yes or No. There are many issues like this that seem extremely complex in reality, and ripe with all it their greed, unfairness, manipulation, corruption, etc. This ancient nation was a part of The Royal Union of The Pacific Nations located in the Polynesian Triangle. Hawaii News Now and KHON at least managed to label the Kingdom of Adooi as a self-proclaimed sovereignty group, signaling that their claims lack legitimacy but without providing further information about the group and its sovereignty claims. Why not leave land ownership as is and charge a tax based on value of land or revenue derived from the land, where the money is used to directly benefit Hawaiians much more than today. There are a lot of them I know, before 1992 I was straddling the fence going to all kinds of meetings and trying to learn more. The Ali`i Nui Aleka Aipoalani currently reins over the Kingdom on the west side of Kauai, which is one of the most sacred and royal areas of the Hawaiian islands. Combining Hawaiians and Samoans alltogether as Polynesians. Based on the principles of law and human decency, we believe it is our right to have returned to us what was illegally taken from us by threat of death and force. Definition of GENOCIDE slave. PKOA the Hawaiian Kingdom is not recognized as a sovereign and independent nation by the U.N. PKOA/ the Hawaiian Kingdom is not a member nation of the United Nations and is not a member in the General Assembly body of the U.N.nor able to participate in the Permanent Forum unless allowed. On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that "Atooi" is translated in the native language to mean "Light of God," but this is not correct because "Atooi" is not a Hawaiian word, but rather a British version of a Hawaiian word spelled using British phonics. HISTORY TIMELINE Before 1840s: The Polynesian Kingdom of Hawaii is the ancestrial name of the current state of Hawaii. Oh, not any ferry, but a Superferry right here in Hawaii! Mahalo Keanu for all the information that has been put out by you with verifications. The only kala is: ala ala kala! it is a full on sham formed by the united states of America to complicate things more for the kanakamaole people. Sad that the USA government uses the taxpayers money to put on a show like this in order to create confusion towards the true kanaka people. On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that "Atooi" is translated in the native language to mean "Light of God," but this is not correct because "Atooi" is not a Hawaiian word, but rather a British version of a Hawaiian word spelled using British phonics. All such annexation and illegitimate occupation of our land is therefore an illegal trespass on our rights and lands, continuing since the unlawful coup of 1893. In 1993, as chief executive and commander in chief of the United States, President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology on behalf of the United States government and the American people to the people of Hawaii, admitting the error and illegality of the original coup. Dumb ass! And pathetic. AMEN. Treason is a serious offense with a sentence that includes the death penalty. God damn, stop being a Daneand a crab to our people and become aware. Original documentation of the surrender, signed by the Queen reveals that this surrender was given only under protest. doctors, lawyers, judges, cops. The OHA interlopers should have been unceremoniously face-planted on the spot, immediately frog-marched to the hoosegow, and charged with everything for which there was probable cause, including impersonating law enforcement officers, felony assault, kidnapping, criminal conspiracy, trespassing, and accessory to and aiding and abbetting all of the above. Youll do nothing, because you arent that Hawaiian. All the other agendas are mute. With so many other acknowledged oral/written and possibly corrupt explanations concerning PKOA, the UN sets the record straight. The people did have a voice. Can I use it to purchase bread and milk? His answer oh dis is kala, dis foa da nex an da nex an da nex genaration That was his SAME answer to like 4 or 5 different questions. The assaulted a couple of OHA staff, harassed and intimidated others, announcing that they were there to "seize" assets. http://kanaiolowalu.org/news/ Although then-U.S. president Grover Cleveland criticized the events in Hawaii, which he had not authorized, his successor, William McKinley, had no problem annexing Hawaii in 1898. Tia tupato, Taua e Tiranga or as the old Hawaiians would say in one word, mahaoi. What makes it more remarkable is that Hawaiians could not only read and write the English language they also read and write in Hawaiian. Andres Aquino 604 subscribers Andres Aquino chats with Ali'i Nuii Aleka Dayne Aipoalani of The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi at the "Sustainable Development Goals" conference presented by Ethics in. Share to Twitter. Much of IT is all documented black and white, so although tedious, it is up to all of us, including Poo minded to continue Excluding those storylines without value, truth or integritymove on to the next and so on, until the story line has no errors and the entire world knows what is and what is not. Currently, given that Russia and China are actively trying to expand their territory it seems like the US would have a hard time stepping away from Hawaii but I think they would if they could maintain bases, etc. Thanks for opening my eyes before giving out more money! That is like saying everyone who is Hawaiian is asserting that. Aloha kanaka. I am very skeptical, but reading all of these post all these other groups worried about getting federal money and talking smack about other Hawaiians. Youre against an Independent Hawaiian Kingdom. He says the groups identification as a self proclaimed kingdom isnt valid. Aloha, Aloha Wanted to mahalo Dexter Kaiama for tonights Insights pbs hawaii As he represents the Hawaiian Kingdom restoration Sending my hopes and prayers Mahalo.http://www.hawaiiankingdom.info/, Aloha Thinking of some questions for tonight. All people have have at times oppressed, killed and taken from others including Hawaiians. Despite this moment of welcome candor in speaking of Gonsalves Atooi, the news media failed to follow-up with this and other statements shared during a press conference a week after the attempted OHA takeover. Ok, Kala and Kalani are one and the same. I think youre over simplifying things. Hawaii is a Neutral State, that is its security under international law. he wouldnt have gotten so much media attention, but I dont be one so the U.S. can continue its HEWA against Kala, you answered yes, so now I am waiting for Kalani to answer. Learn how your comment data is processed. Atooi website not available now is U.N. and Local news citations available. Its very sad so many of our people were led to believe the opala pertaining to this group and many others! Native Hawaiians never relinquished their sovereignty, is The problem here, of course, is that there is no easy place to send the Native Hawaiians to the most desolate and undesirable patch of land to live on in all of Hawaii, because its all valuable real estate and strategic military parcels. Hawaiian sovereignty is considered the third rail of politics, and media, I suppose. My ohana & I have been saying the same things since we first heard of this atooi group. ( for the lack of Hawaiian swear words). And one more thing about misinformation, the other night I watched the story about Hokulea by Kathy Muneno, it was great except for one thing I had an issue with, now I know that TV is based upon drama and I wasnt around 600 years ago, but where did the information come from that Voyaging between Hawaii and Tahiti, navigating only by natures clues, ended about 600 years ago. 2013 1778 = 235 years! They were passively supported by U.S. Marines who were deployed "to protect American lives and property.". 779 followers. thats why! Mahalo. Aole u really like one pothead as one leader? I think I need to read a LOT before I comment too much, but: You ask about my evidence on several occasions. After studying our history, I think that we need to show a tremendous amount of compassion towards ALL of our kanaka maoli brothers and sisters. News reports did not indicate whether or not Gonzalves was part of the occupying group. we no need one constitution; constitution means they (whoever they are) going con you into one institution! Asked him what about the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution already in place, we no need um whatever I say as Alii nui goes (Red flag #3); Dictatorship! Captain Cook only stumbled upon the Hawaiian Islands 235 years ago, go figure! Mahalo to Keanu Sai for all he has done and continues to do for the kanaka! He has a road map on his face, probably Atooi id and plates hold no water in any legal situation.. they all still goin court!!! U,N, accepted a standard application from PKOA. Im currently reading Paradise of the Pacific and it seems to do a good job of quoting directly from writings by the actual players at the time, or witnessed. Especially that question if there is a treaty of annexation! been hearing alot too. Like alcohol use, we refrain from use until pau hana for muscle and pain relief!! Hawaii was already united as a Kingdom that remains under military occupancy but was not abolished. 187 posts. Oh what a low blow it looks as these people were brought in from somewhere over the rainbow! International law expert Keanu Sai says there are gaps in Atoois claims. All be it that its a Laau lapaau haole. These are ignorant thugs who invoke their ethnicity as an excuse to bully or defraud others and commit criminal acts. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is led by Dayne Aleka Gonsalves of Kekaha, also known as Alii Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani. Enlarge Polynesian Triangle They were quickly released on $100 bail each. Hawaiian community leader Hinaleimoana Wong condemned the action by the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi. Sorry to the faithful readers of this site, I just had to let loose on the phony GROUPS and individuals out there! Really? This occupying government has been concealing & covering him up for decades. Then I met Dr Sai and I saw and know that he only shared with us the facts as they now stand and have been standing for the last 121 years. This action is supported by international law and the United States Constitution. I meant that When Hawaiians assert.. .did not mean to imply all Hawaiians assert anything. more. Maybe something like that? We believe that our cultural heritage has been handed down for innumerable generations by our ancestors, the Alii, the customary chiefs of our people, to the people of Atooi, bestowing their blessings and bequeathing our rights to autonomy and the usage of our communal lands with its attendant natural resources of agricultural lands, mineral and metallic mines, and waters flowing upon, within and around the Kingdom of Atooi.We believe it is our right and duty to sever whatever ties we deem restrictive and destructive to our land and people, imposed upon us by a government which unfairly and illegally usurped our legitimate rights to self-governance. Sounds like a spoof of Alema Leota in the 1970s. Remember that it is not the United States or any other Nation that decides who is the rightful heir. We need to be educated as a people. This is pretty atypical. Remember there were already Russians here, French, Chinese, etc The Hawaiians were steering toward joining Britain for security (Hence the flag) or the US. A dozen or so members of a group known as Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi tried to force entry to the headquarters at about 11 a.m. before assaulting at least two staff members and harassing and. Representing the "Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi","Ali'i Nui (King) Mana Temaiana" Dynasty of "Amo Teriirere Tati Pomare Puni" and "High Chiief Miko Toofa Poui. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is led by Dayne Aleka Gonsalves of Kekaha, also known as Alii Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani. All languages, they evolved and changed over time & covering him up for.! Plans to write a new constitution a Neutral state, that is like saying who. Islands or it can float!!!!!!!!!!! One constitution ; constitution means they ( whoever they are ) going con into... Pothead as one leader at, impersonating federal officers needs to be looked kidnapping! 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